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VU4X Andaman Island DX-Pedition 2025

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    Roepnaam | Callsign:

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    VU4X 2025 N2WB William F Beyer | USA

    Hello DX Team. All the best on your DX-pedition to this special place. The website looks super!

    Best 73. N2WB “Wild Bill” William | DX Rules !

    VU4X 2025 JA9SJI Mitsuru Lyoki | Japan

    Hello, If you are are able to be QRV on 6m, you would make many radio amateurs very happy. For 6 Mtr, you don’t really need a very large antenna. I recommend a 4 element yagi, this is sufficient. I would really appreciate your consideration..

    73′ JA9SJI Mitsuru.

    DX-Adventure team: We are doing our best to obtain a 50 MHz licence. Currently, we do not yet have a response from the Ministry of Communications. But keep an eye on our news page

    VU4X 2025 9A5CW Patrik Hrvatin | Croatia

    Hi guys, Please take some 6m antenna with you. Many EUs like to work you on 6m band.

    Best regards, 73′ 9A5CW Patrick

    DX-Adventure team: We are doing our best to obtain a 50 MHz licence. Currently, we do not yet have a response from the Ministry of Communications. But keep an eye on our news page

    VU4X 2025 N0SL Ron Meyer | USA

    Hi, Thanks for prepping for a DX-pedition to Andaman. I need this entity for an all time new one. I don’t really care which band or mode I work first, but would like to get as many bands as possible before you go QRT. I definitely would like to work you on CW and FT8!

    Good luck on the DX-pedition! 73′, Ron N0SL.

    VU4X 2025 WG5G Dan Walker | USA

    Hi, I need VU4X for ATNO any band, W4VKU has activated VU4 many times & says there is severe electronic noise from the LED street lights, the further away you can locate the antennas from the noise source the better, you can contact Krish – W4VKU at his QRZ email address. I hope you will be using BEAM ANTENNAS as I am a low power station.

    Good luck, 73′ Dan WG5G.

    VU4X 2025 | DL4FAY Tommy Diehl | Germany

    Hi Team, I am happy and excited that you go to VU4, maybe the year after to VU7. Haha… It is a pitty that the Vote is restricted to the Band because I am a OLD SCHOOL OM, so I need you on 160 CW. Dont do any Roboter | PC Mode sorry. Hope there will be some time from you for Top Band CW.

    73 and CU, DL4FAY Tommy.

    VU4X 2025 | HA0DU Steve Kölcsey | Hungary

    Hi, Please add 6 meters to your VU4X plans !

    73′ Good DX Steve HA0DU.

    VU4X 2025 W0BF Gary Reeb | USA

    Hi, VU4X would be an “All Time New One” for me. It will put on the ARRL DX Honor roll as # 331. Please make an effort to give us ATNO hams a fair shot. Of course CW will be the best chance I will have. I only use 100 watts to dipole antennas , but I have worked the N5J station 3 times on CW! Also , I have worked stations farther away than you will be. So , PLEASE , PLEASE could you guys make calls for us ATNO on CW ?? Not new band , not new mode , just an all time new DX country !

    Thank you for this chance, 73′ Gary W0BF.

    VU4X 2025 | OE6VIE Jo Engelbrecht | Austria

    Hi, Great website design, hope to work you on Top Band, the last band needed!

    73′ es gd luck, Jo OE6VIE.

    VU4X 2025 | SM7FJE Bo Nilsson | Sweden

    Hi, Most wanted band 6m, which was impossible to vote on. 6m EME preferred!

    73′ SM7FJE Bo.

    DX-Adventure team: Dear Bo, currently 50 MHz is only allowed in FM with max 25 watts. Therefore, we understand very well that the demand for 6 meters is very high. We have made an official request to the Ministry of Communications to get an exception to experiment. We hope to receive an answer to that soon and more clarity on this situation. We hope for good news.

    VU4X 2025 NE8P Mike Polom | USA

    Looking forward to the VU4X adventure. Please make big efforts on CW and/or SSB, not just FT8. Will it be ocean side location? This seems necessary for good results on low bands, which I need!

    Thanks and Good Luck! 73′ Mike.

    DX-Adventure team: Dear Mike, our location is on the west side of South Andaman island, right on the ocean. Our low band antenna are located on the beach. Our team has very good SSB | CW operators, so it will definitely not be only FT8. We are also trying to focus on North America, because we realize very well that this will be a big challenge.

    VU4X 2025 | JN7FAH Ken Nakajima | Japan

    I wish you a safe trip to the Andaman Islands. Enjoy beautiful sea and DX-ing. I hope to work you on 6m hopefuly.

    Ken JN7FAH

    JW0X 2022 | DJ5KX Stefan Scharfenstein | Germany

    I wish the entire team a safe journey, many good connections and a safe return home. We are QRV on TM0BSM in August. This is not that difficult!

    DJ5KX Stefan

    JW0X 2022 | EA2AA José Gomez-Salazar | Spain

    Looking forward to work all of you from that special QTH. My best wishes for all the team. Good luck !

    73, EA2AA José

    JW0X 2022 | ON9KAT Kathleen De Maeyer | Belgium

    Good luck with the DX-pedition and hope to work you on QO-100.

    73, 88 Kathleen ON9KAT

    JW0X 2022 | ON7CL Rudi Claes | Belgium

    Good luck, safe trip and hope to work you guys on QO-100.

    73′ Rudi ON7CL

    JW0X 2022 | LA7XK | JW7XK Halvard Eriksen | Norway

    Looking forward to work you from your QTH in JQ68TB, Isfjord Radio.

    73′ LA7XK | JW7XK Halvard

    JW0X 2022 | CT1ETG Fernando Castanheira | Portugal

    Thank you for letting us enjoy your wonderful experience. I hope to contact you guys. Wish you a safe journey and also good return, good luck !

    Best 73′ CT1ETG Fernando

    JW0X 2022 | A71UN – A71BI Ibrahim Mohd Alshahri | Qatar

    Good job guys, I wish you all the succes in your advanture. I will be following you side by side till the end. Best luck to all of you!

    Best 73′ A71UN – A71BI Ibrahim

    DX-Adventure team: Ibrahim thanks a million for your support in our QO-100 DX-pedition.

    JW0X 2022 | JA3GEP Mikio Mouri | Japan

    Dear members, I appreciate your hard work making this project possible. I wish you good weather condition in April. I believe this DX-pedition will invite many young radio amateurs to satellites, higher frequencies and worldwide communications.

    Best regards from outside QO-100 footprint.

    Mikio JA3GEP

    JW0X 2022 | OY1R Regin Nicolajsen | Faroe Islands

    Will be listening, hope to get a new one in april 😉 3deg elevation should be easy. Brazil station works the bird at 0 degrees daily, so you will most likely do very good, Prepare to manage a HUGE pileup ! Best of luck and see you on the bird.

    73′ OY1R Regin

    JW0X 2022 | ON7DS Dirk Spiessens | Belgium

    I wish you all an excellent preparation for this DX-pedition and a beautiful journey to the pole ! I look forward to working you guys.

    73′ Dirk ON7DS

    JW0X 2022 | ON6AJ Alex Jamar | Belgium

    Good Luck, with the first DX-pedition ever via QO-100 from Svalbard. Really looking forward working you guys!

    73′ Alex ON6AJ

    JW0X 2022 | ON6ZK Hans Geyskens | Belgium

    Good luck guys ! Hope to work you !

    73′ ON6ZK Hans

    JW0X 2022 | PA7RA Rien Aarden | The Netherlands

    Aan het gehele team veel succes en blijf vooral gezond! En ik hoop jullie natuurlijk te werken als nieuw DXCC op QO-100.

    Groet, Rien PA7RA

    JW0X 2022 | DD1US Matthias Bopp | Germany

    Dear team, I wish you good luck and look forward to work you on QO-100.

    Furthermore I hope that you will be able to make contact with DP0GVN, which is now active again as the antenna system was replaced.
    That you and the team down there could make a very unique QSO from the very North to the very South.

    Kind regards, Matthias DD1US

    DX-Adventure team: Matthias, thank you for your contribution to the QO-100 DXpedition. We are in contact with Felix DP1POL and Karsten DP0GVN in Antarctica. We will definitely make a sked with Karsten and hope to make a QSO with the German base “Neumayer Station III” in Antarctica.

    JW0X 2022 | HB0AA Yvo Oehri | Liechtenstein

    Dear Max, I am happy to be able to contribute a small part to a hopefully successful expedition.

    73′ de Yvo HB0AA

    JW0X 2022 | PA3HHT Maus Goossens | The Netherlands

    De onzekerheid van slagen maakt de expeditie juist zo bijzonder. En je weet het pas als je het hebt geprobeerd. Jullie zoeken de randjes op, en dat getuigt mijn inziens van HAM-spirit. Ik zal niet in het logboek komen, omdat ik geen antennes meer op het dak heb (en voorlopig ook niet nodig vind). Ik beperk me tegenwoordig tot mini-activeringen, meestal vuurtorens (zie Lighthouse tour website). Van heel andere orde natuurlijk, maar ik heb er plezier van. Ik hoop dat jullie het lukt en dat het anderen inspireert om ook eens de veiligheid van de radioshack te verlaten!

    Veel succes, 73′ Maus PA3HTT

    JW0X 2022 | DH3MIT Michael Blasche | Germany

    Hello Guys, I will watching you. JW still needed in several Bands and Modes. Enjoy your trip!

    Best 73′ de Michael DH3MIT

    JW0X 2022 | TA3J Berkin Aydogmus | Turkey

    Good luck!

    73′ TA3J Berkin

    JW0X 2022 | G4DPZ Dave Johnson | United Kingdom

    Good luck with the DX-pedition and hope to work you on QO-100.

    73′ G4DPZ Dave

    JW0X 2022 | LA0FA Matthias Peter | Norway

    Very happy to see this expedition happening and the team taking the challenge to get QO-100 workable from JW ! Best of luck ! I have been operating as JW0FA from Longyearbyen myself, but that’s before QO-100… hi.

    Have a nice day es 73′ de LA0FA Matthias

    DX-Adventure | ON5RA Pascal Lierman | Belgium

    We all know that “JW” on HF is not at the top of ‘The most wanted DX list’ but it is always a unique experience. Also the first team meeting showed the competence & motivation of each of the team members. Therefore I am looking forward to participating in this DX-pedition. Thanks to Max and Erik for inviting me!

    73′ CUL ON5RA Pascal

    JW0X 2022 | ON5YT Jef Hardermann | Belgium

    Geeft er een lap op!

    73′ ON5YT Jef

    JW0X 2022 WX2S Steve Masticola | USA

    Do you plan to activate Bear Island as part of this DX-pedition?

    73′ WX2S Steve

    DX-Adventure team: Hi Steve, traveling to Bear Island is not that simple. Therefore, it will not be part of the JW0X 2022 DX-pedition.

    JW0X 2022 | CT7AOV Hugo Silva | Portugal

    Best of luck for your adventure, and wishes of good contacts. Hope I can work you via QO-100.

    Happy New Year and 73′ CT7AOV Hugo

    JW0X 2022 | CT1EAT | M0HOJ Costa Francisco | Portugal

    I wish you best of luck for your Dx-pedition. Look forward to work you via QO-100 satellite.

    HNY 73′ CT1EAT | M0HOJ Costa

    JW0X 2022 | ON5AR Ann Reynaert | Belgium

    Heel veel succes gewenst aan het hele team ! Een prachtige ‘challenge’ om deze noordelijke archipel in verschillende modes te runnen. Jullie zullen waarschijnlijk de pioniers zijn om het QO-100 gebeuren vanaf deze locatie te activeren. Een unieke kans ! Ik kijk er al naar uit, net zoals vele anderen, om jullie op verschillende banden en modes in mijn log vast te leggen.

    73′ ON5AR Ann

    JW0X 2022 | ON2UR Mirella Nijs | Belgium

    Ik wens jullie allemaal zeer veel succes met deze mooie uitdaging. Ook veel succes gewenst aan Cedric, Max en Patrick met de poging om de QO-100 satelliet te activeren vanuit Svalbard.

    73′ ON2UR Mirella