VU4AX | Donatie | Uw steun helpt
Commerciële sponsors | DX Foundations | Clubs
Bedankt voor het vertrouwen in DX-Adventure!

Iedere DX-peditie is telkens opnieuw een zeer grote uitdaging. Het kost handen vol geld en je hebt heel veel materiaal nodig. Door de fijne samenwerking met onze sponsors, DX-Foundations en clubs, trachten we er samen een zeer groot succes van te maken. Wij zijn iedereen enorm dankbaar voor de geleverde inspanningen.

VU4AX | DX-Engineering
VU4AX | RF Guru
VU4AX | RigExpert
DX-Advenute | Uw steun is altijd welkom
VU4AX | 4O3A
VU4AX | Meditrans
VU4AX | MastrAnt
VU4AX | Weepee
VU4AX | Spiderbeam
VU4AX | Messi & Paoloni | Coax Cables | Connectors
VU4AX | ON5UR QSL Printing | The QSO is short, our QSL cards are forever!
VU4AX | Wimo
VU4AX | M0URX | United Radio QSL Management QSL Bureau
DX Foundations
VU4AX | INDEXA The International DX Association
VU4AX | CDXC | Clipperton DX Club
VU4AX | TCDXA Twin City DX Association
VU4AX | NIDXA | Northern Illinois DX Association
VU4AX | GMDX Group
VU4AX | OKDXA | Oklahoma DX Association
VU4AX | SDXG | South German DX Group
VU4AX | NODXA | Northern Ohio DX Association
VU4AX | ETDXA | East Tennesee DX Association
VU4AX | RSGB | Radio Society of Great Britain
VU4AX | SEDXC Southeastern DX Club
VU4AX | LA DX Group
VU4AX | TDXS | Texas DX Society
VU4AX | SDXA | Spokane DX Association
VU4AX | KC5WXA Amateur Radio Club
VU4AX | FEDXP Foundation | Far East DX-Ploiters
VU4AX | GDXF | German DX Foundation
VU4AX | EUDXF | European DX Foundation
VU4AX | TRV | Toffe RadioAmateur Vrienden
VU4AX | MDXC | Mediterraneo DX Club
VU4AX | GMDXA | Greater Milwaukee DX Association
VU4AX | MDXC | Madison DX Group
VU4AX | DDXG | Danish DX Group
VU4AX | CDXC | Chiltern DX Club
VU4AX | ADXA Arkansas DX Association
VU4AX | NCDXA | National Capitol DX Association
VU4AX | WWDXC | Western Washington DX Club
VU4AX | WVDXC | Willamette Valley DX Club
VU4AX | The Metro DX Club
VU4AX | FWDXA | Fort Wayne DX Association
Clubs | Magazines
VU4AX | DX-World
VU4AX | The Daily DX
VU4AX | QST Magazine | ARRL
VU4AX | Electron Magazine | Veron
VU4AX | CQ-QSO Magazine | UBA