6 stations, in the air 24 hours a day
11 days on South Andaman Island
Clublog | Most Wanted
Ranking World n° 53 | USA n° 31
56 suitcases | 1.139 kg luggage
• 14.01.2025 | Pilots during the VU4AX DXpedition | Europe ON9CFG | North America W2IRT | Asia Champ
During our stay on South Andaman Island, the team’s focus will be 100% on the DXpedition. The goal remains to keep all six stations active 24 hours a day. This will require significant effort, as high temperatures, humidity, and fatigue will be important factors not to underestimate. Therefore, we will not have time to answer questions via email or social media during the DX-pedition.
For this reason, we have decided to work with regional pilots:
• Pilot Europe | ON9CFG Björn | Belgium
• Pilot North America | W2IRT Peter | USA
• Pilot Asia | E21EIC Champ | Thailand
If you have any questions or comments during the DXpedition, please do not hesitate to contact the appropriate pilot via the correct contact form: Europe | North America | Asia
Every day, we will hold a video meeting with the pilots to discuss your most important questions or concerns.
Before and after the DXpedition, you can always contact the VU4AX team directly.
If we made a mistake in your callsign or if you are not listed in the log, please do not contact the pilots. Instead, reach out directly to the United Radio QSL Management Bureau via the QSL policy.
• 27.12.2024 | ON4FF Filip Jonckers, thank you for your support and contribution!
From the very beginning, Filip Jonckers, ON4FF, has been a silent force working behind the scenes of our Andaman DX-pedition Right from the start, he was ready to assist us, participated in team meetings, and offered his support wherever it was needed.
His dedication, commitment, and willingness to contribute have certainly had a positive impact on our team. Filip has shown how valuable it is to have people behind the scenes who are always prepared to go the extra mile.
We would like to sincerely thank Filip for his help and involvement. People like him make a difference and ensure that an adventure like this can be a success.
• 01.12.2024 | RigExpert from Ukraine the new VU4AX main sponsor

We are proud to announce that RigExpert from Ukraine is the new main sponsor of the VU4AX DX-Pedition. This partnership opens exciting opportunities for the DX-Adventure Radiosport & DX-Pedition team.
As part of this collaboration, we are privileged to use the RigExpert “Shackmaster 600” power supply. Delivering 13.8 volts and 40 amps, the “Shackmaster 600” is surprisingly lightweight at just 1.1 kg, making it ideal for both shack-based operations and portable setups.
In January 2025, RigExpert will launch its newest antenna and cable analyzer “Match.” This advanced, future-proof device supports software updates, ensuring users always have access to the latest enhancements and functionalities.
The DX-Adventure Radiosport & DX-Pedition team extends its heartfelt thanks to RigExpert for their trust and support.
We look forward to a successful collaboration and the many opportunities this partnership will bring.
• 09.11.2024 | We had a very productive day at our new team meeting
Saturday, November 9, was marked on the calendar as new VU4AX team meeting and test day.
Team members present:
DJ5MO Jelmer | ON4AMX Marc | ON4HIL Patrick | ON5UR Max | ON5TN Karel | ON6CC Marc | ON7RU Franky | ON7USB Geert | ON8AZ Francis | PA3EWP Ron | PA9M Marcel.
We gathered at 8 am, starting with coffee and some coffee cakes while catching up. Then, we reviewed our ‘To-Do’ list, as a long day lay ahead. ON4HIL Patrick started by giving us a detailed explanation of the bandstop filters he is building.
Tasks were then divided into groups, and we got to work. After gathering a large amount of material and organizing it, it was time for the first major test of the day.
On the todo list was:
• Building and testing the two Spiderbeams.
• Measuring high-power bandpass filters.
• Testing and measuring bandstop filters.
• Preparing coax cables (800 mtr).
• Setting up and testing stations, computers, networking.
• Testing stations and antennas in combination with the high-power bandpass filters and bandstop filters.
The initial tests and results were very positive. We concluded that it was a very productive day.
After working almost non-stop, it was high time to wrap up, especially as some team members still had a 250 km drive home.
• 13.10.2024 | Why not 50 MHz | 6 Mtr?
Some radio amateurs are very disappointed in our DX-pedition because, in their eyes, we do not pay attention to 50 MHz | 6 Mtr. Other radio amateurs wonder why we do not do 50 MHz | 6 Mtr. Every week we get a lot of questions about this from different countries.
It’s not that we don’t want to, we would even be very glad to be active on 50 MHz | 6 Mtr during the VU4AX DX-pedition. But unfortunately, regulations decide otherwise. On Andaman Island, 50 MHz | 6 Mtr is only allowed with a maximum power of 25 watts | FM.
We have been requesting permission for an exception for a very long time. Hoping to get temporary permission to use more power and different modes. There have been several contacts with the Ministry of Communications. Currently, we have not yet received a final decision or positive response. But we keep asking the question and together with you hope for a positive answer.
• 10.10.2024 | Coax manufacturer Messi & Paoloni supports DX-Adventure
During Ham Radio FH 2024, Francis (ON8AZ) and Max (ON5UR) had the pleasure of meeting with Stefano Messi, the General Manager of Messi & Paoloni.
Stefano attentively listened as we shared our plans for the upcoming VU4AX DX-pedition in 2025. With great enthusiasm, he explained the production process of Messi & Paoloni’s coaxial cables, all manufactured in Italy. He also presented a range of cables, addressing our concern about weight by introducing us to the Airborne 10 coaxial cable specifically designed for DX-peditions. This cable is incredibly lightweight at just 7.1 kg per 100 meters, making it an excellent choice for our needs.
We extend our sincere thanks to Stefano Messi and the entire Messi & Paoloni team for their support of the VU4AX DX-pedition and future DX-Adventure projects.
• 28.09.2024 | The first VU4AX antennas are ready
The weather did not look too good, but Saturday 28 September had been noted in our agenda for some time as the first VU4AX antenna day. At 8.00 am we met at Patrick ON4HIL’s house. Patrick and Betty welcomed us with coffee and tasty coffee cakes. Then it was time for antenna work and we started building the first antennas.
On the agenda were the 160 Mtr – 80 Mtr and 60 Mtr vertical with elevated radials. Everything was neatly measured out and it was nice to experiment and see what influences some things did or did not have on the antennas | radials.
Team members present: ON4HIL Patrick | ON5UR Max | ON5RA Pascal | ON5TN Karel | ON7USB Geert | ON8AZ Francis. In the afternoon, Filip ON4FF came to lend a hand.
It was a very productive day, and the first antennas are ready to be further wrapped up.
• 23.07.2024 | We are very proud to have a main sponsor like DX-Engineering (USA)
Who says DX-Engineering immediately thinks of the world-known dealer of radio equipment in the USA, which is also known for developing its own products and antennas. Those who say DX-Engineering often immediately think of Tim Duffy K3LR, the company’s CEO. Also known for the Multi contest station K3LR.
After announcing our VU4AX Andaman Islands DXpedition, Tim K3LR immediately put us in touch with Teri Grizer K8MNJ the DX-Engineering DXpedition Coordinator. A few days later came the good news that they would support our DX-pedition.
So the DX-Adventure team is extremely proud to have a main sponsor like DX-Engineering and greatly appreciate their support.
• 28.06.2024 | Meeting with our main sponsor 403A | Ham Radio Germany
• 25.06.2024 | Remote location found in West of South Andaman Island
Location on the West Coast of the Andaman Islands
Finding a suitable location was also a very important task. Fortunately, there’s Google Maps, where you can deeply explore the location and surroundings.
We found several locations and eventually chose the most remote one, hoping that the QRM level here would be okay. Soon, the first contacts were made, and phone appointments were arranged with Bashir, the owner of the property. He didn’t know our hobby at all and didn’t quite understand our goal. After some additional explanations and showing our permits from the “Ministry of Communications” and the necessary approvals from the “Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” Bashir informed us that we were welcome.
The location is truly in “the middle of nowhere,” in the middle of nature, and also right by the water on the west side of South Andaman Island. Our stations will be set up in huts located just 80 meters from the shoreline. We also have the possibility to build some antennas on the beach. But more news on that later.
In the meantime, we are actively looking for a company that can transport all our luggage from the airport in Port Blair to our remote location.
• 10.04.2024 | Travel schedule adjusted
Due to the large amount of luggage we were forced to change and our departure point is now Charles de Gaulle | Paris France.
The large amount of luggage was also refused via the high-speed train, from Belgium to Paris. As a result we are forced to travel by tour bus from Kortrijk – Belgium to CDG in Paris.
In total we will be on the road for more than 40 hours to reach our location on South Andaman Island.
The return journey will take more than 46 hours.
• Bus: Kortrijk Belgium | Paris France
• Flight 1: Paris France | Delhi India
• Flight 2: Delhi India | Kokotha India
• Flight 3: Kokotha India | Port Blair Andaman Islands